Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

Making Appointments

A.    Definition of Appointments
Appointment is arrangement to meet somebody. When we want to meet somebody, it s better for us to make appointment with him/her first.

B.     Expressions to Make Appointment.
The following are expressions to make appointment. There are:
Ø  I’d like to make/arrange/ask for an appointment to see you (next Friday).
Ø  Could I see you (next Sunday)?
Ø  Is (tomorrow) next time to meet you?
Ø  Can I see you tomorrow afternoon)?
Ø  Will it be convenient if I come at (9 a.m.)?
Ø  Would (Tuesday) be possible?
Ø  How about (Monday the 3rd)?
Ø  (Next Monday) what do you say?
Ø  Are you free (next Saturday)?
Ø  When would it suit you?
Ø  Where would you like to meet?

The following are expressions of accepting appointment. There are:
Ø  Sure, I’II be waiting for you.
Ø  Yes, I think so.
Ø  Of course. That would/will be fine.
Ø  Great, it’s a perfect time.
Ø  Certainly/of course.
Ø  Yes, that’s fine.
Ø  That would be good/That sounds good.
Ø  Good idea.
Ø  Yes, what time?
Ø  (10 o’clock) would best for me
Ø  No problem.
The following are expressions of declining appointment. There are:
Ø  I’m afraid I can’t. I’m sorry. How about at…?
Ø  I’m sorry. Would you like to arrange/fix another time?
Ø  Sorry, I can’t/ I don’t think so/I’m busy.
Ø  No, I can’t. I’II be out…
Ø  How/what about another time?
Next are some expressions to cancel appointment. There are:
Ø  I’m sorry to let you down, but…
Ø  Sorry, I forgot. I have to much work to do.
Ø  I’m afraid the meeting is off.
Ø  Bad weather led to the cancellation of…
Ø  I’m really busy. I think I must cancel our meeting.

Listen and complete the following dialogue. Then answer the questions!

Yesterday Anita didn’t go to school, so she didn’t participate in English test. Therefore, she meets Miss Lily to make appointment of English test for herself.
Anita               : May I come in, Miss?
Miss Lily         : Sure. Sit down, please. Can I help you?
Anita               : Yesterday I didn’t go to school.
Miss Lily         : Oh, you need an English test, don’t you?
Anita               : Yes, Miss. May I get it?
Miss Lily         : Of course. You may choose 1)…..
Anita               : I won’t lose your class. So, I choose after school.
Miss Lily         : Okay. I will give you the test after school.
Anita               : About the day, 2)…..
Miss Lily         : Tomorrow? Oh, I’m sorry. I have had appointment with another       students. 3)…..
Anita               : Yes, that’s fine. 4)….
Miss Lily         : Good. Prepare yourself for the test.
Anita               : Absolutely, Miss. Thank you.
Miss Lily         : You are welcome.
Anita               : I’m sorry, Miss. I forgot something.
Miss Lily         : What is it?
Anita               : 5)….
Miss Lily         : At my desk, is it okay?
Anita               : Yes, see you on Wednesday, Miss.
Miss Lily         : See you, Anita.

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